In his book, Orangutans. My Cousins, My Friends he shares with us the fascinating inside story of his personal journey, a journey which ultimately led him to dedicate his life to the care and conservation of all orangutans and their natural habitats. Combined with his personal insights he shares the captivating and sometimes challenging stories of the many orangutans he was worked for over the years.
And perhaps, most importantly, he explains the key philosophies underpinning the work of his organisation, The Orangutan Project, and outlines the fundamental shifts in thinking and behaviour that we, as humans, must make if we are to avoid the imminent extinction of our majestic orange cousins.
Part memoir, part philosophical discussion, part scientific case for conservation and 100% a call to action for all who wish to help save the orangutan, Leif’s book will inspire, inform and touch hearts…. And it may just change the way you see and act in the world forever.
Watch our Facebook Live Q&A session with Leif Cocks. Sarah Macdonald talks to Leif about his book, orangutans and life in general. It's a fascinating interview.