Inspiring Indonesian youth

The 14th COP (Centre for Orangutan Protection) School in Yogyakarta this July was a resounding success, training the next generation of animal activists in Indonesia!

Some team bonding for the members of COP School 2024

Since its creation in 2011 by TOP’s Orangutan Program Manager, Hardi Baktiantoro, COP School has taught over 450 passionate individuals. This year, 37 young Indonesians with diverse educational backgrounds—including veterinary science, biology, social sciences, and economics—attended. Notably, most participants in 2024 were women.

Participants engaged in a wide range of critical topics, such as animal welfare and ethics, the illegal animal trade, disaster management and relief, conservation education, cyber campaigns, and orangutan enrichment and behaviour. 

Many of the dedicated alumni are now spearheading social and ecological movements across various government agencies and NGOs in Indonesia, making a significant impact. 

The Orangutan Project is proud to partner with the Centre for Orangutan Protection, working together to create a powerful force for animals and the environment. United, we stand strong. 

Thank you to our supporters for helping to make this inspirational event possible. 

BORA works under the Ministry of Environment & Forestry 🌳

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